Thursday, December 18, 2008

what?? oh yea, exactly. (it's much too late... or is it too early? which came first, the chicken or the egg? answers to these we shall never know)

first post.
let's raise our (eye)glasses; here (listen) is a toast (with marmalade) to just screwing (or bolting) around so i can get the colors (theendlesscolouredways) right (or left) the way i want them to look in the layout (standin) section. cheers! clapclapclapclapclaphoraayclapwootclapclapclapclapshrillwhistleclapclapclapclapowwow clapclapclapclapcoughclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapsneezeclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap..clap...clap....clap................clap


nick drake plays
as i stubbornly ignore my dream-sleeping phase
what? time to awake?
oh bother, here comes the day...


  1. no... that's just how i write blogs. it's stream-of-consciousness. google virginia woolf. you'll figure it out.
