Monday, December 29, 2008


intention |inˈten ch ən|nouna thing intended; an aim or plan she was full of good intentions [withinfinitive the Ukraine and Kazakhstan have both declared their intention to be nuclear-free.• the action or fact of intending intention is just one of the factors that will be considered.• ( one's intentions) a person's designs, esp. a man's, in respect to marriage if his intentions aren't honorable, I never want to see him again.Medicine the healing process of a wound. See first intention , second intention .DERIVATIVESintentioned |1nˈtɛn(t)ʃənd| adjective [in combination a well-intentioned remark.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French entencionfrom Latinintentio(n-) ‘stretching, purpose,’ from intendere (see intend ).
intentions, intentions, oh what may they be?it's been a while since i've pried open my head and forced myself to translate any of my thoughts down to a purveyance of, as i went about the business of a busy day spent doing the most unbusiest of things, i found myself pondering upon the subject of intentions. most specifically, my intentions.for what are they, these intentions of mine? i observe, i think, i muddle and weigh things back and forth, and as i do so, those little voices (whom i'm sure most all people of moderate sentience are familiar with) pop up and pipe in, offering suggestions or reasonings, or why or why not i should pursue a certain course of action. and as these voices argue, as they debate and rebut, i sit there and listen, and wonder myself: what really am i intending to do? for my heart may say one thing, and my head another, but what am i really intending to do?
women and girlsfamily and friendswould life be easiestif it were easier to mend

Thursday, December 18, 2008

what?? oh yea, exactly. (it's much too late... or is it too early? which came first, the chicken or the egg? answers to these we shall never know)

first post.
let's raise our (eye)glasses; here (listen) is a toast (with marmalade) to just screwing (or bolting) around so i can get the colors (theendlesscolouredways) right (or left) the way i want them to look in the layout (standin) section. cheers! clapclapclapclapclaphoraayclapwootclapclapclapclapshrillwhistleclapclapclapclapowwow clapclapclapclapcoughclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapsneezeclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap..clap...clap....clap................clap


nick drake plays
as i stubbornly ignore my dream-sleeping phase
what? time to awake?
oh bother, here comes the day...